File patents without pulling out your hair

Use documents you already have to produce lawyer-ready invention disclosures in minutes.


Get unstuck with Tangify

  • Learn what you can patent (out of everything you built)
  • Waste less engineer time on write-ups and invention meetings
  • Get better, more actionable invention disclosures from your team
  • Avoid sinking tens of thousands of dollars on outside IP counsel
  • Show your board and investors you're all over it
  • Gain leverage in M&A discussions or capitalization events

 How the process normally goes...

You could have IP and decide to explore 

You schedule a meeting with a patent lawyer, learn about the process, and decide to do it

Your patent lawyer interviews your team to understand the tech and puts together a first draft

Your team reviews the draft. There are a few inaccuracies and missed nuances. You go back-and-forth with the patent lawyer a few times to correct these issues.

The draft starts to grow to dozens of pages. Technical concepts are written in six different variations. The language feels disconnected from how your team thinks about the tech.

Your team gets busy and start to disengage. The process stalls after weeks of effort and a few thousand spent


How it works with Tangify



Use documents you have lying around - from notes in an email to a press release or product update.


Check for Potential Patents

Use Tangify to check if you have potentially patentable IP that meets the basic thresholds in minutes


Instantly Action IP

Edit Tangify's prefilled invention disclosure. Then, download and share with your patent lawyer to file in hours (not weeks)


10x Your Value

Develop, track, prioritize, and action your IP pipeline in one place. Make fundraising easier and be a hero to your board


What patent lawyers say about us

“The current state of the art is a fillable PDF. For most companies, the IP pipeline isn't just leaky - the pipes don't even connect”

"If I'd had this tool ten years ago when I was still practicing law, I probably wouldn't have stopped! It's difficult and often frustrating to help inventors get out of their own way."

“Your software is doing what we do. We meet with engineering teams for a few hours, then come back to them with a list of possible patents and trade secrets. The difference is they hate spending time with us. Your tool is a win-win."


For months, JohnDoe AI attempted to understand their potential IP. They wanted to prepare patent filings. They met with patent lawyers several times and found it confusing and expensive to navigate.


Working with Tangify, JohnDoe AI generated a list of a dozen potential patents and prepared initial first drafts in minutes, using only existing materials they had lying around. JohnDoe AI quickly got up-to-speed on their IP and rapidly prioritized, decided on, and actioned patent filings.


They quickly engaged outside IP counsel without needing to go through the usual back-and-forth of engineer interviews and document reviews. They  were able to prepare and file a half-dozen patents within weeks without clogging up their most productive engineers or adding to the administrative burden of their legal team.


Stop dragging your feet and get started today



Rapidly identify and document your IP

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Take the pain out of patents

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  • Checkmark Unlimited edits to existing records
  • Checkmark Unlimited downloads and shares
  • Checkmark Access for up to 3 users
  • Checkmark Dedicated support line

Have unanswered questions? Reach out to

Can Tangify really help me?

Yes. Tangify helps you uncover potential patents in documents you already have and generates an invention disclosure that's immediately ready for lawyer review. It takes just a few minutes and requires almost no effort on your part. 

How does Tangify work?

Upload any work-in-progress PDF to Tangify. Tangify's algorithm will then:

  • structure the info
  • review it against patentability standards
  • generate an invention disclosure from it

You can review, edit and enhance the disclosure where needed, then download it to share with your lawyer. What normally takes a few weeks of meetings can now be done in a few minutes.

What kind of patents can Tangify help me prepare for?

Tangify helps you prepare for US provisional and US utility patents. Tangify does not currently support plant or design patents, filings outside of the US, or any other type of patent.

Can't I submit whatever I want as a provisional patent?

Technically, yes. The key is to ensure that whatever you submit meets descriptiveness thresholds and doesn't unintentionally create "prior art" against you. A few common issues are that can compromise your early filing date include:

  • Not describing your invention  in sufficient enough detail
  • Making a public disclosure that covers different material that what you included in your provisional application
Tangify helps you structure and focus your invention descriptions

Why doesn't Tangify do a prior art search?

It can be dangerous to do your own prior art search. If you're aware of a reference, you are obligated to disclose it when you file a utility patent.  If your product is a success and it unwittingly infringes, you could be liable for massive damages. It's safer to outsource the search to a legal professional. 

Do you use my data to train your LLM?

We use OpenAI APIs that do not train on submitted data. You can read more about these APIs here:

We may on occasion analyze usage behavior to better serve you and make product improvements. We do not use your actual data from uploaded submissions for any internal purpose. 

How do you handle my data?

We use only US-based servers and encrypt all data transfers. We use measures such as access control lists and two-factor authentication to ensure your data remains remains private, confidential, and secure. All files uploaded are immediately deleted after processing if you choose the "delete immediately after processing" option. You can read more in our privacy policy and terms of service here 

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